Sunday, December 20, 2009

Turbo Jam Beach Body Workout

Tired of my old workout routines and ready for something more exciting and challenging I decided to give Turbo Jam Beach Body a try. I was a little leery starting out since I don't know my right from my left and have about as much rhythm as a beached whale.

Even with my lack of grace and cooridination, I instantly fell in love with the workout. Chalene Johnson has tons of energy and enthusiasm. You can tell she loves what she's doing, and her enthusiasm comes through the screen. She makes you want to put everything you have into the workout.

It didn't take long before I was ready to try the entire Turbo Jam series. Even for klutzs like me, it's easy enough to fit the workout to suit you. In fact, Chalene encourages doing just that. And as Chalene points out, even mistakes burn calories.

A time counter at the bottom of the screen is also very motivating. You know at a glance how much longer you have in each segment and how much remains of the entire workout. You will be amazed at how quickly the time flies by.

If you are ready to take your workout to the next level, I suggest you give Turbo Jam a try. Loads of fun, high spirited, motivating instructors, and most of all, a great calorie burn you will want to do over and over.

Disclaimer: Fit to Excel is a paid affiliate of Product, Partners, LLC.

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