I need an attitude adjustment. Over the last year I've gradually reverted to my old eating habits and regained 10 of the 20 pounds I lost.
I began making a list of things I needed to change in order to lose the weight again and get back on track. After about the third thing I realized instead of focusing on positive steps to a healthy lifestyle, I was focusing on the negative.
I WILL NOT eat after dinner.
I WILL NOT dine out so often.
I WILL NOT outgrow my clothes again.
I WILL look in the mirror and be happy with what I see, even with its shortcomings.
I WILL glorify God that I am wonderfully and fearfully made, and he loves me even if I'm not a size 4.
I WILL get up and move every day.
I WILL have the power to say no to a cookie when I'm not even hungry.
I WILL reach my goal weight and maintain it.
I WILL have the strength to run up a flight of stairs without passing out.
I WILL not beat myself up for setbacks.
I WILL live my life and be happy and healthy, and let the good inside me flow outward to touch those around me.